Prepmedians SAT/ACT Prep Blog

SAT 2024-2025 Test Dates and Guide
Your comprehensive SAT 2024-2025 guide with test dates, registration deadlines, tips, and, most importantly, Prepmedians's SAT Test Date Guide!
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ACT 2024-2025 Test Dates and Guide
Your comprehensive ACT 2024-2025 guide with test dates, registration deadlines, tips, and, most importantly, Prepmedians's ACT Test Date Guide!
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Prepmedians Reviews

Posted by Kalyan Ray-Mazumder
March 05, 2024 at 12:00 AM
SAT ACT Reviews Prepmedians Testimonials Prepmedians Reviews Prepmedians Review Review Test Prep Scores Guide Math Tips and Tricks Scores College Admissions
Check out all of these videos and written reviews from Prepsters who have had incredible experiences with and earned their dream scores!
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How Much Does the SAT Cost?
Eating Ramen for meals. Reusing clothes to not do laundry. Hoarding food and drinks given out at school events. These are some common cost-saving methods that many college students apply to their daily lives because the cost of college is so high. The cost of college starts as early as the college application process, and one sneaky cost of the college application process is taking the SAT and even using your SAT scores. In this article, I'll break down any and every possible cost or fee related to the SAT. Then, I'll go over things you can do to minimize the costs of the SAT.
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The Top 20 Most Selective Colleges
The first thing many people look at when considering colleges is their acceptance rate. A school's acceptance rate is commonly considered a determinant of its quality. The lower the acceptance rate, the better the college is. However, this isn't true all the time. Due to admission strategies like being test-optional or not having any supplements, a college can deflate their acceptance rate. Some schools also have low acceptance rates unrelated to academic excellence of their admitted students. However, lower acceptance rates are a good general indicator of a college's quality. When you look at Harvard's 4.7% acceptance rate, you'll probably think Harvard's quality is better than a college with an 80% acceptance rate. In this article, we'll discuss which colleges have the lowest acceptance rates and why certain schools have such a low acceptance rate.
Read MorePrepmedians LMS Integrations

Posted by Jordan Clark
January 13, 2022 at 12:00 AM
__The Advantages of Integrating Prepmedians with Your LMS__ Prepmedians makes SAT and ACT prep a blast for students across the country. Through the power of music and comedy, we make it easy and fun for students to study for their exams. What you might not know is that Prepmedians is also on the cutting edge of EdTech innovation! In 2020, Prepmedians partnered with Edlink to offer single sign-on solutions for a variety of learning management systems. If you’re an administrator or educator, here’s what you should know about integrating your learning management system (LMS) with Prepmedians!
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The Waiting Game
Just when you thought you were finished, the anticipation isn't over. The one thing determining the end of this dreadful process or whether you must retake the exam awaits: the results! Now, waiting for your results to send to schools doesn't take as long as you think, but when there's so much anticipation built up behind the wait, it feels like forever. Trust me, I know. This article will give you the inside scoop of when you can expect your ACT scores for the different test dates.
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The Waiting Game Part II
Sup, Prepster? We're coming at you live with The Waiting Game Part 2! Yup, that's right, PART 2! So, if you didn't read my first article of this series scroll through this blog page until you find it. You can do it, come on, I believe in you. Don't worry too much though because you don't have to read these articles in chronological order to retain the information correctly. SPOILER ALERT! The first "The Waiting Game" article covered the anticipation built up behind waiting for your ACT results after the test. This time, we will be covering the same thing, but for the SAT instead. So, buckle up kid because this one is a slightly longer ride than the ACT.
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How to Make the Most Out of a College Visit
Planning a college visit and confused on its purpose? Find out a list of really useful things to do at every college visit.
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How to Tackle "Weed-Out" Classes and Other Difficult College Classes
One way or another, you'll eventually encounter a "weed-out" class or a difficult class while in college. These are classes that can kill your GPA and sometimes demoralize you and make you doubt your academic abilities. There's lots of studying, lots of stress, and will sometimes result in you dropping the course all together. But don't worry, this guide will discuss some things to do to make this an easier time and help you ace these courses.
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Sleep Deprivation in College
The ultimate luxury in college is sleep. Yet, it's often the first thing we are willing to sacrifice when dealing with a busy schedule. From our normal course load to social interactions, our college life is so packed that it sometimes seems impossible to get enough shuteye. This article will talk about some causes and consequences of sleep deprivation as well as some suggestions on how to sleep better in college.
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How to Revise an Essay
*Why is the curtain blue?* For some, writing is a passion and something that comes naturally. For others, it is a GPA killer. Even if writing doesn't come intuitively to you, it is still possible to do well in a writing or English class. Throughout college, you'll be tasked with writing multiple essays. This may seem daunting, but no matter how gifted you are in writing, you can still do well through revision. This guide will give some tips to help you during the revision process.
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Tips and Tricks for Each ACT Section
Last minute things to keep in mind while taking the test!! Don't you want to find out what they are?
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How to Look at Your ACT and SAT Score?
You have been doing prep courses for months or even years to prepare you for the test day and you have received your test scores in mail or seen it online. But you are probably wondering what the scores actually mean? How do you know if the score meets your own standards and of those colleges in your list?
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Who's vs. Whose: What's the Difference?
Whose mans is this? Who's going to receive the rose from Hannah on the next week of the Bachelorette? (It better be Peter or Tyler.) These are questions that we ask ourselves on a daily basis. What's the commonality? They both use "whose" or "who's." Words that sound the same, or homophones, are tricky and often appear on the SAT and ACT, but in this guide, we'll discuss the differences between "whose" and "who's" and give you tips for remembering proper usage.
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Does Your College Major Matter for College Admissions?
It's a question that plagues many high schoolers as they make the important decision of which college major to pursue: does it really matter which major I choose? Will it affect my admissions chances? Well, we at Prepmedians say yes and no. Confusing, right? That’s why we’re breaking down what you need to know about your college major and its influence on admissions decisions.
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Juniors: How Soon Is Too Soon to Be Done with Testing?
If you're a junior wondering when you can finally be done with testing, and aren't sure whether or not to keep trying - check out our guide here!
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Stress: How to Deal with It
Crunch Weeks: the bane of all students. Crunch weeks really make or break a student's grades. You have a midterm one day, a few quizzes the next day, a project and another midterm the next day, and not to mention the daily assignments you have for each class since the only review that happens in college is during review week. The pressure from all the things you have to do and the fact that your performance during this week greatly impacts your grades creates something all students will encounter: stress. This article will explore some ways to deal with stress in college, but the methods in the article are applicable to anyone.
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Superscoring the SAT
Can't crush the entire SAT in one sitting? Unsatisfied with your scores? Worried about getting into college? The college process is an extremely stressful time for everyone, and as the applicant pool gets bigger and more competitive year by year, this stress is amplified even more. One factor that affects the college admission process is your standardized test scores, and while they can't make or break you, they certainly help your case for getting into college. Even if you aren't good at taking standardized tests, don't worry. Colleges now do a thing called superscoring. This article will discuss what superscoring is, some tips to strategically use superscoring to your advantage, and every college that superscores the SAT. Note: Superscoring the ACT is exactly like superscoring the SAT. However, although many colleges superscore the SAT and ACT, not every college superscores both. If unsure, look at the college of interest's admission website and see their standardized test policies.
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Building Social Skills
We all know that it is very important to develop social skills earlier in your academic career. In fact, social skills are a strong indicator of a student's future success. Continue reading this article to learn how you can build up your social skills and master those skills required to succeed in many aspects of life.
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SAT Math vs. ACT Math: The Ins and the Outs
Numbers. For some, a cake walk. For others, as hard as beating Thanos with 6 infinity stones, but no need to fear! If the Avengers can save humanity, who's to say you can't crush the SAT/ACT?
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How to Tackle College Admissions?
Every student looks for the magic formula that would get them into their top choice colleges. Well, don't you want to find out what it is?
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The Clock Never Stops Ticking
You're in the endgame and all you need to do is execute your game plan correctly in order to conquer your opponent. You have all the tools and equipment needed to succeed, but one thing lies between you and the end goal: the clock. One of the hardest things about the ACT exam is that there are SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. And you're given so little time to answer them! Having too much to do and too little time to do it is one of the most common forms of stress we experience as humans. Don't get bogged down by the amount of questions and let the clock defeat you, but learn to manage your time wisely to help you defeat your true opponent: the test!
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5 Tips for Preparing for Standardized Tests
You've registered to take the SAT/ACT. You know where you'll be taking the test. You also know which Saturday you're going to spend 4 hours answering questions and filling in bubbles with a No. 2 pencil. You know the SAT/ACT is important: it makes you a stronger candidate during the college process. You know all this, but the SAT/ACT can still seem daunting, and sometimes, a drag. There's plenty of ways to just dive right into studying. This article will discuss some tips to apply before and during the process of preparing for standardized tests.
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Tips and Tricks for Each SAT Section
Walk into the test more confident by know the nooks and corners of tackling the SAT!
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ACT/SAT Checklist
We've all been in situations where we thought to ourselves, "Well, look on the bright side..." or "It could have been worse." But what could possibly be worse than showing up at the testing center without everything you need? That was a rhetorical question... I didn't actually want you to make up hypothetical scenarios in your head. Anyways, this article is short and sweet like the checklist of items you should bring with you on the day of the exam. Click the Read More icon to find out what those items are so you are ready to ace the exam!
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ACT English Section: What You Need to Know
ACT English: A hard section with an easy fix. Even though it tests on easy concepts used in everyday life, those concepts are never completely taught in a classroom setting. An easy way to bridge this gap is to go through the condensed curriculum that [Prepmedians]( has to offer. Prepmedians provides you with an entertaining learning platform where you won't even realize that you are learning and having fun at the same time!
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SAT vs ACT: Which One Should You Take?
Having trouble deciding between the SAT and ACT? Check out our guide here.
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The Night Before the ACT/SAT
The ins and outs of what you should be doing the night before the d-day!
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Liberal Arts Colleges: What Are They and Should I Apply to Them?
Can I get a job from this college after I graduate? Does this college set me up to go to grad school? What are the sports like? What's the culture like? What's the vibe like? These are some common questions students ask when applying to colleges. Many students focus on the Ivys, the big state schools, or maybe a local school, but one branch of colleges that many students overlook are the liberal arts colleges. This article will help explain what a liberal arts college is and whether a liberal arts college is a right fit for you. Take it from me; I should know since I currently attend one!
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Should I Retake the ACT/SAT?
No matter the score you received on your first attempt at the exam, you might consider retaking the test for at least a split second. If you're like me, a lot longer than a second. Just remember that you are not alone because *all* students must decide whether or not they'll settle on their score or if they'll approach taking the test again with a 1-2 jab-cross combo.
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6 Ways to Improve Studying
Studying plays a central role in our lives. Whether you're studying for an upcoming exam, for the SAT/ACT, for improving your knowledge, or just for fun, you are going to spend a good part of your life studying. But things like procrastination and other unfavorable studying habits can lead to lack of retention of information. Just because you don't get an A in the class or crush the SAT/ACT doesn't mean you are incapable of achieving those goals, but rather, it's probably due to poor study methods. This article is going to list 6 to help improve your study times.
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Extracurricular Activities and College Admissions Part 2
Part two about extracurriculars and college admissions!
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Extracurricular Activities and College Admissions Part 1
Wondering about how extracurricular activities impact college admissions? Check out what we have to say here.
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First Day of Classes: College Edition
College is completely different from high school. As a high school senior, I thought I knew exactly what I was getting myself into for college. And boy, did I have a wake-up call! Continue reading this article to find out what to expect on your first day of class in college.
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GPA... What Does It Mean?
Most high school students worry about their GPA, wondering if it is high enough to get them into a decent college. Been there, done that. Hallelujah! In fact, many students enroll in classes with GPA considerations in mind. In this article, you will find out the difference between weighted and unweighted GPA and how colleges evaluate them.
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How to Stop Procrastinating
There are 4 famous words that everyone says at one point in their life: "I'll do it later." No matter what, everyone is plagued by procrastination to some degree. For some, procrastination isn't that big of an issue. For others, procrastination results in rushed work or not even completing what needs to be done, and their daily lives are changed as a result. In this article, we'll cover some ways to stop procrastination and accomplish what needs to be done now.
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Open Admission (4-year) Colleges
I get it. Some of you aren't trying to get into the top ten schools in the country and some of you probably have no idea what schools you want to apply to. Don't stress yourself over getting into college. In fact, I have a little secret to ease your mind: There are open admission colleges (open enrollment colleges) out there to enroll in! No matter your GPA or standardized test scores, you can get a college degree at any of these schools. Sounds too good to be true? Read the rest of this article to find out more!
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ACT And SAT Score Conversion
It's not just enough to take the tests and get back scores. Check out our conversion lists to decide which test works better for you and spend your valuable time preparing for that test.
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College application season is just around the corner. That means that now is the time to get serious about your future. I know, scary right? But, it shouldn't be that scary if you are ready to impress the colleges you are applying to. So, what does that mean? I'll tell you what it means: MAN OR WOMAN OR PERSON UP AND GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR, GOSH DANGIT! Take certain measures and adopt the strategies needed to ensure confidence for college application success.
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Creating A Study Vibes Playlist
I get it. It's challenging to keep your eyes on the prize with all the distractions in today's world. The latest trends on social media, emails from your boss and professors, and the general chaos of everyday life make it difficult to maintain your focus on a single task. I've already discussed several types of food that can help enhance your ability to concentrate and focus, but now I am introducing you to types of music that have also been shown to enhance your brain function.
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How to Choose Your College Courses
You got into college. It's the summer before you start your 4 year journey of fun times and discovering your interests before you dive into the "adult world." You have a mix bag of emotions: excitement, anxiety, maybe even a little bittersweetness. College will be some of the best 4 years of your life, and all that hard work - prepping for standardized tests, maintaining a strong GPA, working on applications - during the college process has led to 4 years of cruising. Right? Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Colleges offer a variety of majors and courses to take that it's challenging to choose the correct route to take in one's higher education. The decisions you make in college have the power to alter the rest of your life, and this pressure can be overwhelming. *How can we expect an 18 year old to make these decisions?* To help you out, this article will explore some tips to help guide you when you're figuring out what you'd like to study.
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🎵 What Shall I Wear Today? 🎵
After months of preparation and built up anticipation, the time has finally come: test day. Standardized tests like the ACT and SAT are no brisk walk down the park. You're not taking a 10-second Buzzfeed quiz to see which "Friends" character is your bff. For three hours of your life you are glued to one spot taking an exam that can potentially determine your future, and therefore, it's best that you feel good and you're wearing comfortable clothing going into the test.
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Is Your Brain Hungry?
We all know that standardized testing adds to the level of stress students experience in the classroom. That, my friend, is nothing new. However, have we ever considered the extent to which this affects their lives? The insane amount of stress that students face can ultimately hurt students in various ways, including lower test scores. Therefore, having a proper diet helps ensure that students are well-nourished, satisfied, and, most importantly, focused on the task at hand: the test! Read more to find out about the best foods to eat before taking a test.
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How to Engage Students More Effectively: Edutainment
What is edutainment? Why is it so hot right now? Find out in this article!
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