Prepmedians SAT/ACT Guides and Tips

Sleep Deprivation in College
The ultimate luxury in college is sleep. Yet, it's often the first thing we are willing to sacrifice when dealing with a busy schedule. From our normal course load to social interactions, our college life is so packed that it sometimes seems impossible to get enough shuteye. This article will talk about some causes and consequences of sleep deprivation as well as some suggestions on how to sleep better in college.
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How to Stop Procrastinating
There are 4 famous words that everyone says at one point in their life: "I'll do it later." No matter what, everyone is plagued by procrastination to some degree. For some, procrastination isn't that big of an issue. For others, procrastination results in rushed work or not even completing what needs to be done, and their daily lives are changed as a result. In this article, we'll cover some ways to stop procrastination and accomplish what needs to be done now.
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