Prepmedians SAT/ACT Guides and Tips

The Clock Never Stops Ticking
You're in the endgame and all you need to do is execute your game plan correctly in order to conquer your opponent. You have all the tools and equipment needed to succeed, but one thing lies between you and the end goal: the clock. One of the hardest things about the ACT exam is that there are SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. And you're given so little time to answer them! Having too much to do and too little time to do it is one of the most common forms of stress we experience as humans. Don't get bogged down by the amount of questions and let the clock defeat you, but learn to manage your time wisely to help you defeat your true opponent: the test!
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ACT/SAT Checklist
We've all been in situations where we thought to ourselves, "Well, look on the bright side..." or "It could have been worse." But what could possibly be worse than showing up at the testing center without everything you need? That was a rhetorical question... I didn't actually want you to make up hypothetical scenarios in your head. Anyways, this article is short and sweet like the checklist of items you should bring with you on the day of the exam. Click the Read More icon to find out what those items are so you are ready to ace the exam!
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Creating A Study Vibes Playlist
I get it. It's challenging to keep your eyes on the prize with all the distractions in today's world. The latest trends on social media, emails from your boss and professors, and the general chaos of everyday life make it difficult to maintain your focus on a single task. I've already discussed several types of food that can help enhance your ability to concentrate and focus, but now I am introducing you to types of music that have also been shown to enhance your brain function.
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🎵 What Shall I Wear Today? 🎵
After months of preparation and built up anticipation, the time has finally come: test day. Standardized tests like the ACT and SAT are no brisk walk down the park. You're not taking a 10-second Buzzfeed quiz to see which "Friends" character is your bff. For three hours of your life you are glued to one spot taking an exam that can potentially determine your future, and therefore, it's best that you feel good and you're wearing comfortable clothing going into the test.
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Is Your Brain Hungry?
We all know that standardized testing adds to the level of stress students experience in the classroom. That, my friend, is nothing new. However, have we ever considered the extent to which this affects their lives? The insane amount of stress that students face can ultimately hurt students in various ways, including lower test scores. Therefore, having a proper diet helps ensure that students are well-nourished, satisfied, and, most importantly, focused on the task at hand: the test! Read more to find out about the best foods to eat before taking a test.
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